Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

Equipex IRDIVE (ANR project 2012-2020)

3 Meuros project, co-funded by ERDF for the development of a pluri-disciplinary project on ICT-based tools for understanding human perception of visual contents. Laurent Grisoni is member of the lead group of this project, and animates an axis devoted to art-sciences and technologies collaborations.

MAUVE CPER ("Contrat de Plan État-Région") 2016-2020 project

Funds: 4 Meuros (validated at national level, funded by Region), and 1 Meuro additional funding provided by ERDF.

Subject: ICT tools for mediation and access to knowledge.

Lead: University of Lille, University of Artois. Laurent Grisoni is co-lead of this project.


Participants : Laurent Grisoni [correspondant] , Samuel Degrande, Francesco de Comité.

Art/science Inria internal network gathering projects interested in collaborating with artists.

Inria teams involved: MuTANT (Paris), Imagine (Grenoble), Flowers, Potioc (Bordeaux), Hybrid, MimeTic (Rennes). This initiative will take advantage of an agreement between Inria and French Ministry of Culture, signed early December 2016.